Gears and Gear Drives

R Keith Mobley , in Plant Engineer's Handbook, 2001

Pitch measurements

The size and proportion of gear teeth are designated by a specific blazon of pitch. In gearing terms, in that location are two types of pitch: circular and diametric.

Circular Round pitch is the distance from a point on 1 molar to the corresponding betoken on the next tooth measured along the pitch circle as shown in Figure 57.32. Its value is equal to the circumference of the pitch circumvolve divided past the number of teeth in the gear. While virtually common-size gears are based on diametric pitch, big-diameter gears are oft made to circular pitch dimensions.

Effigy 57.32. Circular pitch

Diametric The most commonly used method of gear specification is based on diametric pitch. Practically all common-size gears are fabricated to diametric pitch specifications, which also designate the size and proportions of gear teeth.

Diametric pitch is a whole number used to specify the ratio of the number of teeth in a gear to its pitch diameter. Stated another way, it specifies the number of teeth in a gear per inch of pitch bore. For each inch of pitch-circle bore, there are pi (π = 3.1416) inches of pitch-circle circumference. Therefore, the diametric pitch provides the number of teeth for each 3.1416 inches of circumference along the pitch circle.

The pitch-circle bore and the diametric pitch of a 4-inch pitch-circle bore gear are illustrated in Figure 57.33. For this 4-inch gear, there are four 3.1416-inch circumference segments. Note that for a three-inch gear, at that place are 3 3.1416-inch segments.

Figure 57.33. Pitch diameter and diametric pitch

These concepts may be better visualized and dimensions more hands obtained with the rack teeth presented in Figure 57.34. This clearly shows that at that place are x teeth in three.1416 inches and, therefore, the rack illustrated is a 10 diametric-pitch rack.

Figure 57.34. Number of teeth in 3.1416 inches of a rack or straight-line gear

Effigy 57.35 illustrates a similar measurement forth the pitch circle of a x diametric-pitch gear.

Figure 57.35. Number of teeth in 3.1416 inches on the pitch circumvolve

During the process of repairing a machine, a mechanic may need to quickly determine the diametric pitch of a gear. It is possible to do this easily without the use of precision measuring tools, templates, or gages; a ruler (preferably flexible) is all that is required to make the needed measurements. Because diametric pitch numbers are usually whole numbers, measurements need not exist verbal. An gauge calculation volition usually result in a value close to a whole number, which is the diametric pitch of the gear. The following three methods may exist used to determine the judge diametric pitch of a gear.

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In Tribology Handbook (2nd Edition), 1995




Materials eight to 22, the bones allowable angle stress (South BO ), used in estimating load chapters of gears depends on the ratio of the depth of the hard pare at the root fillets to the normal pitch (circular pitch) of the teeth.

S B O = S B O S o r S B O C [ 1 vii.5 (depth of skin ) / normal pitch]

whichever is the less.

Materials viii to 22, values of Due south co are reliable merely for peel thicker than:

0.003 d × D (d+ D)


Materials 1 to 8, the value of Due south B0 is approx:

S B O = 600 × Ult Tensile Ult . Tensile three lx


Gear cutting becomes hard if BHN exceeds 270.

Table iii.three. Allowable stresses for various materials used for crossed helicals and wormwheels

SCO2 N/mm2 SouthwardBO2 N/mm2 Wheel cloth BHN Ultimate tensile strength N/mmtwo
10.5 50 Phosphor Sand cast 70 185–216
12.5 60 Statuary Chill bandage 82 230–260
15.2 70 BS 1400 Centrifugally bandage 90 260–293
7 41.4 Cast iron Ordinary grade 150 185–216
7 51.7 BS 1452 Medium grade 165 245–262
7 seventy.0 Loftier course 180 340–370

Note: The pinion or worm in a pair of worm gears should be of steel, materials three to vii or 20 to 22, Table 3.2, and always harder than the material used for the bike.

Non-metallic materials for gears

To help in securing tranquillity running of spur, helical and straight and spiral bevel gears fabric-reinforced resin materials tin be used. The bones allowable stresses for these materials are approximately S co = 10.5 North/mm2 and S BO = 31.0 N/mmii, only confirmation should always be obtained from the material supplier.

Other plastic materials are also available and information on their allowable stresses should be obtained from the material supplier.

Material combinations


With spur, helical, straight and spiral bevel gears, fabric combinations of cast fe – phosphor bronze, malleable atomic number 26 – phosphor bronze, bandage iron – malleable fe or cast fe – bandage iron are permissible.


The material for the pinion should preferably be harder than the wheel material.

Where other materials are used:


Where cast steel and materials i to 7, Tabular array 3.two are used, it is desirable that the ultimate tensile strength for the cycle should lie between the ultimate tensile force and the yield stress of the pinion.

Tabular array 3.two. Allowable stresses on materials for spur, helical, straight bevel, spiral bevel and hypoid bevel gears


S CO = allowable contact stress

Southward BOS = allowable skin angle stress

S BOC = allowable core bending stress

CI: Cast iron MI: Malleable atomic number 26

CS: Cast steel Atomic number 82: Phosphor bronze

BHN: Brinell hardness number

VHN: Vickers hardness number

* Multiply past 1.8 for very smooth fillets not ground subsequently hardening.

(FH)†: Hardening by flame or induction over the whole working surfaces of the tooth flanks but excludes the fillets – applies to modules larger than 3.5.

(CH)† Hardening by flame or induction over the whole tooth flanks, fillets and connecting root surfaces – applies to modules between five and 28.

Spin hardening – applies to modules between 3.5 and 2.0.


Materials 8 to 22, Tabular array iii.2, may be used in whatsoever combination.


Gears made from materials 8 to 22, Table 3.2, to mate with gears made from any textile outside this group, must have very smooth stop on teeth.

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URL: discipline/article/pii/B978075061198550031X

Pitch cistron analysis for symmetric and asymmetric tooth gears

A.L. Kapelevich , in International Gear Conference 2014: 26th–28th August 2014, Lyon, 2014


In comparison with traditional gear design based on preselected, typically standard generating rack parameters and its addendum modification too known as the X-shift, the alternative Direct Gear Pattern® method [i,2] provides certain advantages for custom loftier-performance gear drives that include: increased load capacity, efficiency and lifetime; reduced size and weight, noise and vibrations, cost, etc.

Pitch factor analysis is one of Direct Gear Design's methodical approaches to describe the involute gear mesh geometry and explore its characteristics. Its divides the operating circular pitch of the involute gear mesh into three segments; including the driving or load (or motion) transmitting segment related to the drive tooth flanks, the coast segment that may transmit load (or motion) in reverse related to the coast tooth flanks, and the noncontact segment that is excluded from load (or motion) transmission related to the tooth tip lands and radii. Ratios of these segments to the operating circular pitch are chosen the pitch factors. Combinations of these factors profoundly affect involute gear mesh parameters that ascertain gear drive performance.

This newspaper introduces an analytical approach that describes main gear mesh characteristics such as operating pressure angles, contact ratios, specific sliding velocities and gear mesh efficiency as functions of the pitch factors. It also considers areas of beingness of involute gear pairs with the given constant values of the pitch factors.

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North. Gokarneshan , ... C.B. Senthil Kumar , in Mechanics and Calculations of Textile Machinery, 2013

ii.3 Of import terminologies


Information technology is the height by which a molar projects beyond the pitch circle or pitch line.

Base diameter

It is the bore of the base of operations cylinder from which the involute portion of a tooth contour is generated.


It is the corporeality past which the width of a tooth a molar space exceeds the thickness of the engaging molar on the pitch circles.

Bore length

aIt is the total length through a gear, socket or coupling diameter.

Circular pitch

It is the altitude forth the pitch circumvolve or pitch line between corresponding profiles of adjacent teeth.

Circular thickness

It is the length of arc betwixt the 2 sides of a gear tooth on the pitch circle unless otherwise specified.

Clearance operating

It is the amount by which the dedendum in a given gear exceeds the addendum of its mating gear.

Contact ratio

In general it is the number of angular pitches through which a molar surface rotates from the beginning to the end of contact.


It is the depth of a tooth space below the pitch line. It is normally greater than the addendum of the mating gear to provide clearance.

Diametral pitch

It is the ratio of the number of teeth to the pitch bore.

Face width

It is the length of the teeth in an axial plane.

Fillet radius

It is the radius of the fillet curve at the base of the gear tooth.

Full depth teeth

These are ones in which the working depth equals 2.000 divided by the normal diametrical pitch.


It is a machine part with gear teeth. When two gears run together, the one with the larger number of teeth is called the gear.

Hub diameter

It is the exterior diameter of a gear, sprocket, or coupling hub.

Hub projection

Information technology is the distance the hub extends beyond the gear face up.

Involute teeth (spur gears, helical gears, and worms)

These are ones in which the active portion of the profile in the transverse aeroplane is the involute of a circle.

Long and brusk addendum teeth

These are engaging gears (on a standard designed centre distance) ane of which has a long addendum and the other has a brusk annex.


It is the machined groove running the length of the bore. A like groove is machined in the shaft and a central fits into this opening.

Normal diametrical pitch

It is the value of the diametrical pitch as calculated in the normal plane of a helical gear or worm.

Normal plane

Information technology is the plane normal to the tooth surface at a pitch bespeak and perpendicular to the pitch plane. For a helical gear this aeroplane tin be normal to one tooth at a indicate laying in the plane surface. At such a point, the normal airplane contains the line normal to the tooth surface and this is normal to the pitch circle.

Normal force per unit area angle

It is a normal plane of helical molar.

Exterior diameter

It is the diameter of the addendum (outside circle) circle.

Pitch circle

It is the circle derived from a number of teeth and a specified diametrical or circular pitch. Circle on which spacing or tooth profiles is established and from which the tooth proportions are constructed.

Pitch cylinder

Information technology is the cylinder of diameter equal to the pitch circumvolve.


It is a machine part with gear teeth. When two gears run together, the 1 with the smaller number of teeth is chosen the pinion.

Pitch diameter

It is the bore of the pitch circle. In parallel shaft gears, the pitch diameters can be adamant directly from the middle distance and the number of teeth.

Pressure angle

It is the bending at a pitch betoken between the line of pressure which is normal to the tooth surface, and the plane tangent to the pitch surface. In involute teeth, pressure angle is frequently described also as the angle between the line of action and the line tangent to the pitch circle. Standard pressure angles are established in connection with the standard gear tooth proportions.

Root diameter

It is the diameter at the base of the molar space.

Pressure angle operating

It is determined by the centre distance at which the gears operate. It is the pressure bending at the operating pitch bore.

Tip relief

Information technology is an arbitrary modification of a molar profile whereby a modest corporeality of material is removed nigh the tip of the gear molar.


It is a condition in generated gear teeth when any part of the fillet curve lies inside a line drawn tangent to the working contour at its point of juncture with the fillet.

Whole depth

Information technology is the full depth of a tooth infinite, equal to addendum plus dedundum, equal to the working depth plus variance.

Working depth

It is the depth of engagement of two gears; that is, the sum of their addendums.

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Cams and Gears

Colin H. Simmons I.Eng, FIED , ... The Late Dennis Due east. Maguire CEng, MIMechE, Mem ASME, REng.Des, MIED , in Transmission of Engineering Drawing (Fourth Edition), 2012

Typical Case Using Professor Unwin's Approximate Structure

Gear data:

Pressure angle, 20°. Module, 12 mm: Number of teeth, 25.

Gear calculations:

Pitch circle diameter = module × no . of teeth = 12 × 25 = 300 mm

Addendum = module = 12 mm

Clearance = 0.25 × module = 0.25 × 12 = 3 mm

Dedendum = addendum + clearance = 12 + 3 = 15 mm

Circular pitch = π × module = π × 12 = 37.68 mm

Molar thickness = ½ (round pitch) = 18.84 mm

Stage 1 (Fig. 31.17)


Describe the pitch circumvolve and the mutual tangent.

Effigy 31.17. Unwin's structure – stage i.


Mark out the pressure angle and the normal to the line of activity.


Draw the base of operations circle. Notation that the length of the normal is the base of operations-circumvolve radius.

Phase 2 (Fig. 31.eighteen)


Describe the addendum and dedendum circles. Both annex and dedendum are measured radially from the pitch circumvolve.

FIGURE 31.18. Unwin'south construction – stage ii.


Mark out point A on the annex circumvolve and signal B on the dedendum circles. Carve up AB into three parts so that CB = 2AC.


Draw the tangent CD to the base circle. D is the betoken of tangency. Dissever CD into iv parts so that CE = 3DE.


Describe a circumvolve with middle O and radius OE. Employ this circumvolve for centres of arcs of radius EC for the flanks of the teeth afterward marking out the tooth widths and spaces effectually the pitch-circumvolve circumference.

Note that it may be more user-friendly to establish the length of the radius CE by drawing this part of the construction farther round the pitch circle, in a vacant space, if the flank of ane molar, i.eastward. the pitch bespeak, is required to lie on the line AO.

The construction is repeated in Fig. 31.xix to illustrate an awarding with a rack and pinion. The pitch line of the rack touches the pitch circle of the gear, and the values of the addendum and dedendum for the rack are the same as those for the meshing gear.

Effigy 31.19. Unwin's construction practical to a rack and pinion.

If it is required to use the involute profile instead of the approximate construction, and then the involute must exist constructed from the base circumvolve as shown in Fig. 31.14. Complete stage one and stage ii(a) equally already described, and mark off the molar widths effectually the pitch circle, commencing at the pitch betoken. Accept a tracing of the involute in soft pencil on transparent tracing paper, together with function of the base circle in order to become the profile correctly oriented on the required drawing. Using a French curve, mark the contour in pencil on either side of the tracing paper, and so that, whichever side is used, a pencil impression can be obtained. With care, the contour tin now be traced onto the required layout, lining up the base circle and ensuring that the profile of the tooth flank passes through the tooth widths previously marked out on the pitch circle. The flanks of each tooth will exist traced from either side of the drawing newspaper. Finish off each tooth by adding the root radius.

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CFD model development for two-phase flows

Marco Colombo , ... Patel Giteshkumar , in Advances of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Nuclear Reactor Design and Safety Assessment, 2019

3.2.1 CFD simulation of thermal hydraulic behaviour inside rod package

An advanced tube type BWR [108], which utilizes 54 rod bundle as a fuel chemical element has been considered for CFD simulations for flow and void distribution within rod packet inside the pressure level tube. Station Blackout (SBO) conditions were faux for the reactor with organisation lawmaking RELAP5 [109, 110] and boundary weather condition for the rod parcel at various pseudo steady-state instances were obtained for simulating the multidimensional flow over heated rod bundle during decay rut conditions. This written report reveals the conditions of the void and temperature distribution inside pressure tube and hence facilitates the identification of the hot spots, if present anywhere within the pressure tube. The 54 fuel pins of the heated rod cluster are bundled in three concentric circular pitches forming a fuel rod bundle chosen as 54 rod parcel. It is a rod bundle with 11.2   mm OD fuel pins having heated length of 3.five   m. Fig. 3.10 shows arrangement of the fuel rod bundle inside the coolant channel. The rod bundle is having 1/12th symmetry. However, in a 1/12th section, some the rods contribute only half of their surface expanse to the subchannel. In this report, we have considered a 1/sixth sector of the rod package, which consists of 9 full fuel pins of the bundle equally seen in Fig. 3.11.

Fig. 3.10

Fig. 3.10. Coolant channel with 54 rod bundle.

Fig. 3.11

Fig. iii.11. 1/6th symmetric sector of the rod packet.

CFD simulations are carried out to investigate the wellness of the rod bundle during decay heat removal on a 1/6th sector of the packet. This can exist confirmed with the estimation of the void, temperature and catamenia field inside the rod bundle. Fig. 3.12 shows the Principal Oestrus Transport System (MHTS) depressurization curve along with the variation of period every bit predicted by RELAP5. 4 cases marked as case #1 to case #4 are studied for occurrence of any local hot spot. Instance #1 falls in a region of subcooled boiling, while rests of the betoken fall in the single-stage flow region.

Fig. 3.12

Fig. three.12. Core catamenia and MHTS pressure during SBO.

For understanding the catamenia behaviour within the rod bundle during these two different regimes, two cases, i.e. case #1 and instance #4 are presented here. Table 3.2 shows the initial and purlieus conditions obtained from RELAP5 which are simulated and studied with CFD. An axial and radial menstruation profile is applied to the fuel rods that simulate the decay heat for the considered instances during SBO. Fig. three.13A and B shows the heat flux as applied to the fuel rods in 3 radial rings known equally inner, middle, and outer rings.

Table 3.2. Cases studied with CFD for local level thermal hydraulics parameters variations

SD pressure (MPa) Ability Core inlet temperature (oC) Inlet menses (kg/south)
Case #one 6.0% 291.0 0.245
Case #two two.5 i.6% 227.0 0.627
Instance #iii 1.5 1.v% 201.0 0.627
Case #4 0.5 1.3% 152.0 0.480

Fig. 3.13

Fig. 3.xiii. (A) Heat flux boundary weather condition for case #1 and (B) Rut flux purlieus conditions for case #4.

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Impact of indexing errors on spur gear dynamics

Yard. Inalpolat , ... A. Kahraman , in International Gear Conference 2014: 26th–28th August 2014, Lyon, 2014


Every manufactured gear contains certain types and magnitudes of errors depending on the quality level imposed. Such errors oftentimes contribute to the loaded transmission mistake to touch on the meshing dynamics of gears. Consequently, agreement the impact of different gear pattern and manufacturing based errors and tolerances on the dynamic transmission mistake of gears is crucial. One of the most significant contributors to the gear manual mistake is the tooth indexing errors. Gear tooth indexing error (difference) is defined as the displacement of any molar flank from its theoretical position relative to a reference molar flank [1]. In relation to it, tooth spacing error is divers equally the circumferential position error of i gear tooth flank with respect to the previous tooth flank. Ideally, a item gear with Z number of teeth has identical involute profiles equally spaced around the pitch bore. Being of indexing error ways that some of the tooth profiles are angularly misplaced from their platonic position with respect to one randomly chosen reference profile (index molar or profile), say tooth-1 without loss of generality. The right mitt side flank of Molar-1 is the reference profile (flank) when sure amount of torque acting in the clockwise direction is assumed to exist on this gear. The circular distances, S1 and S2, between the correct flanks of Molar-one and Tooth-2 and also between Tooth-2 and Tooth-iii, where both flanks intersect the reference diameter are both equal to a circular pitch p (p  = π. m, where thou is the module) for a gear with ideal geometry. If S1 deviates from the nominal round pitch p (Sone   p), then the difference is interpreted equally the spacing error ε one for Tooth-2. Similarly, if S2 has a different value than p then information technology is interpreted every bit the spacing error ε two for Tooth-3. The value ε 1  + ε 2 will and so be the indexing error for Tooth-iii. If spacing error of whatsoever Tooth-N is ε Northward    1 on a gear, then the corresponding indexing fault for Molar-N will exist j = 1 Due north i ε i , where j is the indexing fault index.

Gear molar indexing errors arise during manufacturing, causing deviations related to the cut or oestrus treatment process in addition to the random components [2]. Indexing errors modify the transmission mistake as they cause a certain gear tooth profile to be misplaced on the reference diameter, thus either coming into contact earlier or later with the respective tooth on the other gear in mesh compared to its expected timing under ideal conditions. This essentially shifts the contact in time that tin significantly change the dynamic beliefs of the gears as the dynamic excitation phase continuously changes and instantaneous contact ratio becomes lower or higher than expected at different times causing either overloading or contact loss of the tooth in mesh. Consequently, complicated indexing error patterns that collaborate with each other on gears in mesh could significantly alter the resultant life of gears nether operation. The frequency spectra for the gears with indexing error show significant increase to the non-harmonic orders, making the spectra broad-ring [three]. The main reason for these not-harmonic orders to exist is the non-periodic transmission fault values due to spacing/indexing errors. Thus, information technology is non sufficient to use limited Fourier series amplitudes of transmission error to simulate the meshing dynamics whatsoever more. The proper means of simulating indexing errors would be to apply the errors over multiple revolutions of both pinion and gear, covering their total hunting menstruation. Worst case spacing errors occur when the corresponding errors of the pinion and gear lucifer upward.

The published work on the effects of indexing errors on gear dynamics is rather sparse. Remmers [ii] developed an analytical method to study the effect of tooth spacing errors, load, contact ratio and profile modifications on the gear mesh excitations. He indicated that random tooth spacing errors may be used to reduce the gear mesh excitations at certain frequencies. Marking [3,4] derived expressions for Fourier Serial coefficients of all components of static transmission mistake including harmonic and non-harmonic coefficients of gear defects of business. He used ii-dimensional Fourier transforms of local tooth pair stiffness and tooth surface deviations from perfect involute to come upward with these expressions and used them to study mesh transfer functions of gears with different surface and profile deviations. Kohler and Regan and later Mark [v-vii] discussed components of the frequency spectrum for gears with pitch errors based on analytical approaches and agreed on the fact that beingness of the components depends on loading conditions and if the only divergence from perfect molar geometry is due to pitch errors then frequency spectrum of corresponding transmission error office volition take no components at the mesh frequency harmonics. Padmasolala et. al. [8] developed a model to understand the effectiveness of profile modification for reducing dynamic loads in gears with different tooth spacing errors. They showed that linear tip relief is more effective in reducing dynamic loads on gears with relatively small spacing errors whereas parabolic tip relief becomes more effective when the amplitude of the spacing error increases. Wijaya [ix] studied effects of spacing errors and run-out on the dynamic load cistron and the dynamic root stress factor of an idler gear organization. He employed an belittling approach that defines the static manual error and static tooth forces and predicted dynamic mesh strength spectra of an idler gear system using a linear, fourth dimension-invariant model. Spitas and Spitas [10] likewise investigated overloading of gears and consequence of tip relief on the dynamics of gears with indexing errors. They employed a geometry-based meshing analysis with a multi degree-of-liberty dynamic model and reported faux load factors and transmission error functions for gears with assumed indexing errors. Milliren [11] and Handschuh [12] investigated the influence of various gear errors on the quasi-static transmission errors and root stresses of spur gears experimentally. They used the same test rig to investigate the effects such as spacing errors and lead wobble on the transmission error. Moreover, they compared experimental results with the results of a contact model and showed that the results are highly correlated.

In this study, the bear on of indexing errors on dynamics of spur gears is investigated. A test setup and its encoder based measurement system are used to mensurate loaded transmission error excitations. A dynamic model capable of including long-period manual error excitations is proposed with the aim of bringing a amend understanding of the upshot of indexing errors on the resultant dynamics of gears.

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Rotor-Stator Disc Cavity Menstruation

Peter R.Due north. Childs FIMechE, FRSA, FHEA, mem.ASME, MIED, BSc(hons), DPhil, CEng , in Rotating Menses, 2011

five.viii Static and Rotating Protrusions

Many practical rotating disc applications involve protrusions and features, such as bolts and hooks, fastened to either the stationary disc or the rotating disc in a rotor-stator crenel. The protrusions tin significantly influence the local period and estrus transfer in the vicinity of the features, and as a issue the ability required to overcome sticky drag. A typical rotating disc configuration with fixing bolts is illustrated in Effigy five.xx.

Figure 5.20. Rotor-stator wheelspace with protruding bolts.

Zimmermann et al. (1986) subdivided the boosted losses associated with protrusions into three categories:

class elevate

boundary layer losses

pumping losses

The tangential velocity of the bolts on the disc is larger than the speed of the fluid in the cadre in the rotor-stator gap, giving a relative speed differential between the bolts and the fluid. This results in a drag loss, which can be determined by

(5.128) Δ C thou , f o r m = Northward C D ( 1 β 2 ) ( r b ) 3 H d b o l t b ii K f

where Northward is the number of bolts, CD is the drag coefficient of the bolts in the undisturbed flow, β is the cadre rotation factor in the centre of the cavity (i.e., at z   =   s/2), r is the pitch circle radius for the bolts, b is the outer radius of the disc, H is the height of the bolts or cover, dbolt is the diameter of the bolts, and Thouf is a class elevate correction gene due to the interference with the wakes from adjacent bolts (Taniguchi, Sakamoto, and Arie, 1982). For a rotational Reynolds number of four   ×   106 and a nondimensional throughflow of Cw  =   2.6   ×   teniv, the swirl ratio was causeless to exist 0.42 based on test evidence and 0.6 in the absence of throughflow.

The boundary layer losses can be accounted for using the von Kármán relationship for turbulent menses over a rotating ring of inner radius ri and outer radius ro :

(5.129) C m = 0.073 Re φ 0.two ( r o b ) iv.half dozen [ 1 ( r i r o ) v.7 ] 0.8

If the bolts are assumed to act as the blades for a radial compressor, the pumping losses tin be modeled using the Euler turbomachine equation,

(5.130) P o w east r = Ω m ˙ ( u φ , two r o u φ , 1 r i )

where m ˙ is the mass flow pumped by the bolt heads, uφ,1 is the tangential velocity of the bolt-driven fluid at the inner bolt radius, and uφ,2 is the tangential velocity of the bolt-driven fluid at the outer bolt radius.

The full power required to overcome frictional drag tin can exist determined by improver of the power loss for each of the 3 components listed to that of the ability required to overcome frictional drag for a manifestly disc of the aforementioned diameter concerned.

Millward and Robinson (1989 performed a series of experiments to quantify the consequence of both static and rotating protrusions and recesses. For a range of conditions with Reφ     1   ×   107 and Cw    1   ×   104 and a range of pitch to diameter ratios between 3 and 20, they developed the post-obit correlation to account for the additional frictional drag over and above that of the plainly disc.

(five.131) C thou = 2.3 ( m ˙ / μ r ρ Ω r 2 / μ ) ( ane.four r / three a ) ( l p i t c h d b o l t ) 0.44 r three Due north A b v

where r is the radius of the bolt pitch circumvolve, lpitch is the pitch of the protrusions, dbolt is the diameter of the bolts, N is the number of the bolts, and A is the projected cross-sectional area of the protrusion, a is the inner radius of the rotating disc, and b is the outer radius of the disc.

This equation can be restated in terms of the local nondimensional menstruation charge per unit and local rotational Reynolds number equally

(5.132) C m = 2.iii ( C w l o c a l R east φ , 50 o c a l ) ( i.4 r / iii a ) ( l p i t c h d b o l t ) 0.44 r iii Northward A b five

The recommended limits for the correlation (Equation five.131 or 5.132) are:

(five.133) 1.5 < r a < two.25

(five.134) 0.001 < C w fifty o c a l R east φ , l o c a l < 0.i

(5.135) 3 < l p i t c h d b o l t < 20

Example 5.four

Determine the windage for a disc of outer radius 0.3   chiliad rotating at x,500   rpm in air with a density and viscosity of 4   kg/mthree and 3   ×   ten−five Pa s, respectively. Twenty bolts with a width of 17   mm beyond the flats are located on a pitch circle radius of 0.two   grand, and height of the bolt heads is 7.18   mm. The disc inner radius is 0.1   m. The disc is in a rotor-stator wheelspace, with a gap of 0.14   k betwixt the rotor and stator discs, and the cavity is supplied with 200   k/s of air.


The circular pitch of the bolts is given by

50 p i t c h = ii π r N = 2 π × 0.2 20 = 0.06283 1000

The projected cross-sectional area of the bolt depends on the orientation of the bolts. If the bolts are aligned to present the minimum target surface area, then

A = d b o l t × H = 0.017 × 0.00718 = 1.221 × 10 4 k

The local nondimensional mass menstruation and rotational Reynolds numbers at r are:

C w l o c a l = m ˙ μ r = 0.ii 3 × x 5 × 0.ii = 3.333 × x iv

R e fifty o c a l = ρ Ω r 2 μ = 4 × 1100 × 0.2 2 3 × 10 five = v.867 × 10 6

From Equation five.132,

C m = two.iii ( 3.33 × 10 4 5.867 × 10 6 ) ( ane.4 ( 0.2 / three × 0.i ) ) ( 0.06283 0.017 ) 0.44 0.2 3 × 20 × 1.221 × 10 four 0.three five = 7.412 × 10 4

The ability required to overcome frictional drag due to the bolts is given by

P o w e r = T q Ω = 0.5 ρ Ω iii b 5 C m = 0.5 × 4 × 1100 3 × 0.three v × vii.412 × 10 four = 4794 W

For the rotating disc face,

Re φ = ρ Ω b 2 μ = 4 × 1100 × 0.3 2 3 × 10 v = 1.320 × 10 7

C w = m ˙ μ b = 0.2 3 × 10 5 × 0.3 = ii.222 × 10 four

λ t = C west Re φ 0.8 = 2.222 × 10 iv ( 1.32 × 10 7 ) 0.eight = 4.470 × ten two

If, in the absence of superposed catamenia, the inviscid core is assumed to be rotating with a swirl fraction of β*   =   0.42, and then the moment for the rotating disc, using Equation 5.87, is given past

C m = 0.051 G 0.1 Re φ 0.2 ( 1 + xiii.9 β * λ t One thousand 1 / eight ) = 0.002291

The power required to overcome frictional drag due to the disc face is given by

P o westward e r = T q Ω = 0.5 ρ Ω 3 b v C m = 0.5 × 4 × 1100 iii × 0.3 5 × 0.002291 = 14820 W

The total ability required to overcome the frictional drag for both the disc face and the bolts is therefore 4.794   kW   +   14.82   kW= xix.61   kW, with the bolts in this instance responsible for most 24% of the windage.

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Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling Applied science and Equipment

Huacan Fang , Menglan Duan , in Offshore Operation Facilities, 2014

2.1.4.ane Moving Upwardly and Downward Using the Electric Gear-Driven Machine

A jack-up drilling rig such as No. 1 of South Mainland china or No. 2 of Exploration is composed of truss legs with each leg section a triangle. There are three cylinder legs in 3 triangle vortexes with outside diameters of 0.76 meters. The motion of the platform upwardly and downwards and depends on the installation of an electrical gear-driven machine on each leg. The lifting methods of the device are equally follows.


Electrical gear-driven device

Because these jack-upwards drilling rigs all take three legs, the entire platform has nine electric gear-driven devices, and each one is composed of the four same units, equally shown in Figure ii-17. Each unit is composed of an alternating-current motor, gear reducer, equally well as a small gear for output. The components of the entire device are as follows.



The motor tin can be alternating current or direct current. The three-phase alternating current motor with a power of xiv.72 kW, voltage of 600 Five, and frequency of 600 Hz is by and large used. The power is transferred from motor to reducer.


Gear reducer

The gear reducer is a ii-stage reduction. The first reduction is from a 12-molar gear to a 76-molar gear. The second reduction is from a 17-tooth gear to a 54-tooth gear. Except for the driving gear and driven gear, other gears are all sealed in oil.



Every bit shown in Figure ii-17, racks are welded on two sides of the cylinder legs. The racks are used to mesh with the output gear of the reducer so as to make the legs move up and down. By and large the norm length of a rack is 10 meters, the distance of the circular pitch is 254 millimeters, and the thickness is 127 millimeters. The gears and racks equally well every bit the axis are all made of alloy steel treated past heating.


The spring plate friction disc safety restriction

This is a shaft safety brake mounted on the motor. A brake plate friction disc is mounted on the motor shaft. The friction plate is pressed by a fork, and fork motion functions through the suction of an electromagnet; the energized electromagnet is connected to the motor switch. Thus, when the motor is turned off, the electromagnet is energized to produce suction, promoting the fork while pressing the friction plate. The motor shaft is completely broken to ensure prophylactic. When the electromagnet is de-energized, the friction plate is supported past spring strength.


Shock cushion

In that location are spring steel pad shock absorbers, and each pile leg is connected to the platform with them, with a setup more often than not composed of seven elastic steel pads. The purpose is to reduce the impact of legs on the platform deck when legs initially contact the seabed.


Solid pile wedge

This aims at fixing the platform with the pile legs. There are viii wedges on each leg of one thigh, with four on the upper side and four on the lower side. Consequently, in that location are 72 wedges on the entire platform with three legs and 9 thighs.

Figure 2-17. Electrically driven gear lifting device.


Lifting functioning of electric gear-driven device

Pinions from the gearbox are symmetrically arranged in pairs on both sides of the cylindrical thigh and are meshed with the rack on both sides of the thigh at the same meridian, to offset the horizontal component force. Each thigh has iv pinions meshing with the rack simultaneously from top to bottom. There are 36 pairs of pinions on the entire platform with three legs and nine thighs meshing with the rack on the thigh, and thus when the motor synchronizes, the three pile legs of the platform are synchronically transmitted through the gears and racks, gradually lifting upwards. The unabridged platform lifting performance of the motor can be mainly controlled by the platform command room, and also by each pile leg. Legs tin drop downwards due to their gravity, merely they should control the rate of refuse by the brakes to ensure condom. The platform itself rises to a certain height on the surface of the water and downwardly to the water in the conditions of pile legs fixed to the seabed. Because the motor and gearbox unit of the lifting device are installed on the platform deck, it even so uses an electrical gear manual method, which is the aforementioned principle as the pile lifting its leg to operate.

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Machine Components

DAN B. MARGHITU , ... NICOLAE CRACIUNOIU , in Mechanical Engineer'due south Handbook, 2001


The wear load Fw is

(2.54) F westward = d p B K Q ,

where dp is the pitch diameter of the smaller gear (pinion), G is the stress gene for fatigue, Q = 2N g/(Np + Ng), Ng is the number of teeth on the gear, and Northwardp is the number of teeth on the pinion.

The stress factor for fatigue has the expression

Thousand = southward e s two ( sin ϕ ) ( i / Eastward p + 1 / Eastward g ) i.four ,

where ses is the surface endurance limit of a gear pair (psi), Ep is the modulus of elasticity of the pinion material (psi), Eg is the modulus of elasticity of the gear material (psi), and ϕ is the pressure bending. An estimated value for surface endurance is

southward e s = ( 400 ) ( BHN ) 10,000 psi ,

where BHN may be approximated past the boilerplate Brinell hardness number of the gear and pinion. The wear load Fwestward is an allowable load and must be greater than the dynamic load Fd . Tabular array two.iii presents several values of K for various materials and tooth forms.

Tabular array 2.3. Values for Surface Endurance Limit ses and Stress Fatigue Cistron K

Stress fatigue factor M
Average Brinell hardness number of steel pinion and steel gear Surface endurance limit ses 14 1 2 ° xx°
150 l,000 30 41
200 lxx,000 58 79
250 ninety,000 96 131
300 110,000 114 196
400 150,000 268 366
Brinell hardness number, BHN
Steel pinion Gear
150 C.I. 50,000 44 threescore
200 C.I. lxx,000 87 119
250 C.I. xc,000 144 196
150 Phosphor statuary 50,000 46 62
200 Phosphor statuary 65,000 73 100
C.I. pinion C.I. gear eighty,000 152 208
C.I. pinion C.I. gear 90,000 193 284

Source: A. S. Hall, A. R. Holowenko, and H. G. Laughlin, Theory and Problems of Machine Blueprint, Schaum's Outline Series, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1961. Used with permission.


A driver steel pinion with σ0 = 20,000 rotates at due north one = 1500 rpm and transmits 13.half dozen hp. The manual ratio is i = −iv (external gearing). The gear is made of mild steel with σ0 = xv,000 psi. Both gears accept a 20° force per unit area angle and are full-depth involute gears. Design a gear with the smallest diameter that can be used. No fewer than xv teeth are to be used on either gear.


In gild to determine the smallest diameter gears that tin can be used, the minimum number of teeth for the pinion will exist selected, Northp = fifteen. And then Ng = Npi = 15(four) = sixty. It is first necessary to determine which is weaker, the gear or the pinion. The load conveying capacity of the tooth is a function of the σ0γ production. For the pinion σ0γ = 20,000(0.092) = 1840 psi, where γ = 0.092 was selected from Table 2.1 for a 20° full-depth involute gear with 15 teeth. For the gear σ0γ = fifteen,000(0.134) = 2010 psi, where γ = 0.134 correspond to a 20° full-depth involute gear with threescore teeth. Hence, the pinion is weaker. The torque transmitted by the pinion is

(2.55) M t = 63,000 H / n 1 = 63,000 ( 13.6 ) / 1500 = 571.2 lb in .

Since the diameter is unknown, the induced stress is

(two.56) σ = 2 M t P d iii k π 2 γ N p = ii ( 571.2 ) P d iii iv π 2 ( 0.092 ) ( 15 ) = 20.97 P d 3 ,

where a maximum value of k = 4 was considered. Assume commanded stress σ ≈ σ0/2 = 20, 000/ii = 10, 000 psi. This assumption permits the determination of an approximate Pd . Equation (2.56) yields P d iii x , 000 / 20.97 = 476.87 . Hence, Pd ≈ 8. Endeavour Pd = viii. Then dp = 15/8 = ane.875 in. The pitch line velocity is V = dpπn 1 /12 = i.875π(1500)/12 = 736.31 ft/min. Because the pitch line velocity is less than 2000 ft/min, the allowable stress will be

σ = 20,000 ( 600 600 + 736.31 ) = 8979.95 psi .

Using Eq. (2.56) the induced stress will be σ = 20.97(83) = 10736.64 psi. The pinion is weak because the induced stress is larger than the allowable stress (10736 × 8979.95). Effort a stronger molar, Pd = 7. And so dp = xv/7 = 2.xiv in. The pitch line velocity is V = dpπn 1 /12 = 2.14π(1500)/12 = 841.5ft/min. Because the pitch line velocity is less than 2000 ft/min, the allowable stress is

σ = twenty,000 ( 600 600 + 736.31 ) = 8324.66 psi .

Using Eq. (2.56) the induced stress volition be σ = 20.97(73) = 7192.71 psi. Now the pinion is stronger because the induced stress is smaller than the allowable stress. So the parameter g can be reduced from the maximum value of grand = 4 to k = 4(7192.71 j8324.66) = 3.45. Hence, the face width B = kp = 3.45(π/7) = 1.55 in. Then Pd = 7, B = one.55 in, dp = two.xiv in, and dm = dp (four) = ii.14(four) = 8.57 in. The circular pitch for gears is p = πdpjNp = πdg/Ng = 0.448 in, and the middle altitude is c = (dp + dg)/2 = v.35 in. The annex of the gears is a = 1/Pd = ane/7 = 0.14 in, while the minimum dedendum for 20° full-depth involute gears is b = one.157/Pd = 1.157/seven = 0.165 in. The base circle diameter for pinion and gear are dbp = dp cos ϕ = two.14 cos xx° = 2.01 in, and dbg = dg cos ϕ = 8.56 cos 20° = 8.05 in, respectively. The maximum possible addendum circle radius of pinion or gear without interference can exist computed equally

r a ( max ) = r b 2 + c ii sin 2 ϕ ,

where rb = db /two. Hence, for pinion r a ( max ) = i + 5.35 2 sin 20 ° = 3.29 in , while for the gear r a ( max ) = 4 2 + five.35 2 sin xx ° = 5.1 in . The contact ratio CR is calculated from the equation

C R = r a p 2 r b p ii + r a k two + r b k two c sin ϕ p b ,

where rap, rag are the addendum radii of the mating pinion and gear, and rbp, rbg are the base circle radii of the mating pinion and gear. Here, rap = rp + a = d p/2 + a = 1.21 in, rag = rgrand + a = 4.42 in, r bp/two = 1.0 in and = dbg /ii = iv.02 in. The base pitch is computed as pb = πdb/Due north = p cos 20° = 0.42 in. Finally, the contact ratio will be CR = one.63, which should exist a suitable value (> 1.two). ▴


A steel pinion (σ0 = 137.nine × tenvi N/m2) rotates an iron gear (σ0 = 102.88 × x6 Due north/mii) and transmits a ability of 20 kW. The pinion operates at due north 1 = 2000 rpm, and the transmission ratio is 4 to one (external gearing). Both gears are total-depth involute gears and accept a pressure angle of 20°. Blueprint a gear with the smallest diameter that can be used. No less than 15 teeth are to be used on either gear.


To detect the smallest bore gears that can be used, the number of teeth for the pinion will be Np = 15. Hence, Ng = Northward p 4 = xv(four) = threescore.

It is first necessary to determine which is weaker, the gear or the pinion. For the pinion, the product σ0γ = 137.ix(0.092) = 12.686 × 10half-dozen N/mii, where γ = 0.092 was selected from Table 2.1 for a 20° full-depth anfractuous gear with 15 teeth. For gear σ0γ = 102.88(0.134) = xiii.785 × 10vi N/grand2, where γ = 0. 134 corresponds to a 20° full-depth involute gear with 60 teeth. Hence, the pinion is weaker.

The torque transmitted past the pinion is

(ii.57) M t = 9549 H / n 1 = 9549 ( xx ) / 2000 = 95.49 Nm .

Since the diameter is unknown, the induced stress is

(2.58) σ = 2 Thousand t k π 2 γ Due north p k 3 = two ( 95.49 ) 4 π 2 ( 0.092 ) ( 15 ) m 3 = three.5 yard 3 ,

where Pd was replaced past i/chiliad, and a maximum value of k = 4 was considered. Assume allowable stress σ ≈ σ0/ii = 137.ix/ii = 68.95 × tenhalf-dozen N/mtwo. This assumption permits the conclusion of an approximate thousand. Equation (2.58) yields g 3 ≈ 3.5/68.95 = three.7mm. Endeavour m = 3mm. Then dp = Npm = 15(three) = 45 mm. The pitch line velocity is V = dpπn 1/60,000 = 45π(2000)/60,000 = four.71 yard/s. The allowable stress volition exist

σ = 137.9 ( 600 600 + four.71 ) = 136.85 × 10 half dozen N / m two .

According to Eq. (2.58), the induced stress will be σ = 3.5(iii × x−3)3 = 129.83 × xvi Northward/yard2. The pinion is stronger. Because the smallest diameter is required, nosotros will determine the smallest thousand such that the induced stress remains lower than the allowable stress. Try 1000 = ii.75 mm. Then dp = Northpm = xv(2.75) = 41.25 mm. The pitch line velocity is V = dpπn one/60,000 = 41.25π(2000)/60,000 = four.32 m/due south. The allowable stress will be

σ = 137.9 ( 600 600 + 4.32 ) = 136.91 × 10 half dozen N / g 2 .

The induced stress volition be σ = 3.5/(2.75 × ten−iii)three = 168.56 × tenhalf-dozen North/chiliad2. At present the pinion is weak. Hence, the minimum m that satisfies the stress constraints is m = 3 mm. And then the parameter k can be reduced from the maximum value of k = 4 to grand = four(129.83/136.85) = 3.79. Hence, the face width B = kp = 3.79(πm) = 35.77 mm, and dp = 45 mm. So dg = dp (4) = 45(4) = 180 mm. The circular pitch for gears is p = πdp/Northp = πdg/Ag = 9.42 mm, and the center altitude is c = (dp + dg )/2 = 112.five mm. The addendum of the gears is a = m = 3 mm, while the minimum dedendum for 20° full-depth anfractuous gears is b = 1.26m = 3.75 mm. The base circle diameters for pinion and gear are dbp = dp cos ϕ = 45 cos 20° = 42.28 mm, and dbg = dg cos ϕ = 180 cos 20° = 169.xiv mm, respectively. The maximum possible addendum circle radius without interference for the pinion is r a ( max ) = 21.xiv 2 + 112.5 2 sin 20 ° = 69.i mm , and for the gear is r a ( max ) = 84.57 2 + 112.5 2 sin xx ° = 107.15 mm . The contact ratio CR is

C R = r a p 2 r b p 2 + r a p 2 r b thousand ii c sin ϕ p b ,

Here, rap, rag are the addendum radii of the pinion and the gear, and rbp, rbg are the base circle radii of the pinion and the gear. Here, rap = rp + a = dp /2 + a = 25.five mm, rag = rg + a = 93 mm, rbp = dbp /2 = 21.xiv mm, and rbg = dbg /2 = 84.57 mm. The base pitch is computed as pb = πdb/N = p cos 20° = 8.85 mm. Hence, CR = 1.63 > 1.2 should exist a suitable value. ▴

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